Native Plant Finder
Search by zip code to find native plants for your area:
- Audubon Society Plants for Birds
- National Wildlife Federation Native Plant Finder
- Nebraska Statewide Arboretum-resource page for Nebraska plants https:// non-profit that also has some native plants for sale
Other Helpful Websites
- Xerces Society has a wealth of information, recorded webinars and resources by U.S. regions and more
- Tallgrass Prairie Center
- Pollinator Alliance of the Heartland non-profit with aim to educate the public and help plant native gardens, check out the events page
- Wild Ones, non-profit promotes native planting practices,
Doug Tallamy-"Bringing Nature Home"(there are many Tallamy has done, search Doug Tallamy on YouTube)
Doug Tallamy-"Nature's Best Hope”
Xerces Society has many videos on invertebrate conservation and the importance of using native plants
Wild One’s Designing & Planting with Native Plants 453a02fDdTY?si=TulfvCddrMLndrP8 (note that this is from the New Jersey chapter, but principles apply anywhere)
Bringing Nature Home - How you can Sustain Wildlife with Native Plants - By Doug Tallamy
Nature's Best Hope - A New Approach to Conservation that Starts in Your Yard - By Doug Tallamy
Prairie Up - An introduction to natural garden design - By Benjamin Vogt
Planting in a Post Wild World - by Thomas Rainer & Claudia West
The Gardener’s Guide to Prairie Plants - by Neil Diboll & Hilary Cox
Please note: While this publication cannot advertise retail sources for Native Plants and Seeds please purchase from local suppliers. The word “Native Plant” is used in the retail trade loosely. Big box stores do not necessarily have native plants and seed for your specific area. And most use systemic herbicides that are very harmful to insects. Ask your nursery where the plants and seed originate from (local ecotype is best) and if pesticides are used. For retailers check with your local Native Plant Society such as Nebraska Native Plant Society, Iowa Native Plants society etc. Most have social media pages.
Websites that can help you find out if a plant is native:
Please consider volunteering in the garden at Fort Atkinson. To learn more visit or contact us at the Harold W. Anderson visitors center, phone: 402-468-5611.
Historical Resources
Barth, Roland, and Ratzlaff, Neal S. Field Guide to Wildflowers, Fontenelle Forest and Neale Woods. Fontenelle Forest Nature Association, 2004. Trees, Shrubs, Woody Vines, Grasses, Sedges and Rushes of Fontenelle Forest & Neale Woods. Fontenelle Forest Nature Association, 2007.
Black Elk, Linda. Plants of the Lakota.
Gilmore, Melvin R. Uses of Plants by the Indians of the Missouri River Region. 1919.
Kindscher, Kelly. Medicinal Wild Plants of the Prairie. University Press of Kansas, 1992.